Photo Collage of Exchange Partner Buildings



推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 has a long history of maintaining exchange agreements with select institutions abroad to foster cultural and academic engagement among students.

Presently, we have exchange agreements with:

  • 威尔士的阿伯里斯特威斯大学
  • 日本庆应义塾大学
  • 土耳其的Koc大学
  • Nanyang Technical University in Singapore
  • 法国《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》杂志
  • 日本津田大学

Your university must have a formal exchange agreement with 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 for you to become an exchange student here. Students who participate in this program must pursue a full-time course of study and must maintain good academic standing. Contact the international office at your home institution for more details.

How to Apply to the Exchange Student Program at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜
If you plan to study as an exchange student at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 and you are a student at one of our partner universities, you must be nominated by your home institution’s study abroad team. Contact the international/study abroad office at your institution for information about eligibility requirements and nomination procedures. If you decide to submit your application, your institution will support you through the entire process.

After your institution submits your name as a nominee to the exchange program, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜’s International Student and Scholar Advising will provide a link for you to submit your application.

For more detailed information, please contact the international office at your home institution.

交换学生进入美国.S. 持J-1签证.  The J-1 visa in the United States is for students who wish to take part in study-based exchange visitor programs in the U.S.  International Student and Scholar Advising will guide you through the process of obtaining your J-1 visa.

All J visa exchange visitors are required by the U.S. Department of State to have health insurance in effect during the time of their exchange visitor program.  推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 requires all J visa exchange visitors to enroll in the College health insurance plan.

Exchange students live on-campus in dormitories with other undergraduate students and are enrolled in the College meal plan as an integral part of the residential life experience. All of Bryn Mawr's dorms have a common living room.

布林莫尔有两个餐厅. The meal plan menu always includes vegetarian and vegan options. You may find more information here:

Course Enrollment (What classes can I take?)
Exchange students are eligible to enroll in any courses available through the Tri-College Consortium. The Tr-College Consortium member schools are 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 哈弗福德学院, 斯沃斯莫尔学院. Exchange students are ineligible to participate in courses at the University of Pennsylvania through the Quaker Consortium.

There may be specific courses your university would like you to take, or specific departments you need to choose from. Be sure to be in communication with your academic adviser at your home institution.

海关 (New Student Orientation)
Orientation for new undergraduate and guest students is called “海关” at Bryn Mawr.  海关 begins the Wednesday before classes start.    学生抵达美国.S. on J-1 visa can arrive at their dorm beginning at 9 a.m. on the day before 海关 begins. Students must arrive and check in at their dorm no later than 1 p.m.

The 海关 New Student Orientation schedule will be available in June 2022--海关

Exchange visitors are assigned an academic adviser who is a Dean from the Undergraduate College at Bryn Mawr.  We promote the academic and personal growth of undergraduates at the College. 通过建议和规划, your Dean will help you learn about available opportunities and resources and make decisions about when and how to take advantage of them

Upon completion of your program, you may order your academic transcript via the 注册商’s Office.  You may submit your request on the 注册的页面.

International Student and Scholar Advising
We are here to assist exchange students through the immigration process, to navigate the transition to life at Bryn Mawr, assist you in maintaining visa compliance, and to serve as the support center during your stay at the College.


Assistant Dean for International Student and Scholar Advising