新闻 Article Content Style Guidelines

The Article content type is 通讯only used by departments to produce and display news content relevant to the department's activities.  

What distinguishes an Article from the standard Page content type: 

  • The Article includes a date and time designation at the top of the page 

  • Social media sharing icons are included at the top (users can click on them to share the Article) 

  • Articles contain byline and blurb fields 

  • Articles include syndication options (association by Section and Topic) 

  • Articles can be embedded/displayed as part of an Article/新闻 feed 

  • Articles can have related content links added to them 


新闻风格指南: This document outlines how Articles are produced in Drupal, and includes details on syndication and displaying articles on other pages.

AP风格指南. (推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 IP address required.) AP Style is used for many types of official Bryn Mawr 通讯unications, including web content. If you have a specific style question not covered by AP Style, email 通讯


  • Keep headlines short. Tell readers what they need to know, but be aware that longer headlines tend to be difficult to digest and look strange at the top of a page and in news feeds. 也, not all content will lend itself to a news-type headline, 但是如果可能的话, include verbs in headlines and use active voice.

  • Keep in mind that while an Article may be included with other similar content in a departmental web section, not everyone who comes to a particular article will be familiar with your department or even with 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 in general. 因此, be sure that you're not using abbreviations or shorthand that will be unfamiliar to an audience member who isn't well acquainted with your department. 

  • Photos should be of good quality and of a proportional size compared to the rest of your content. Large vertical photos are typically too overwhelming to be useful, so if using a vertical photo, keep it to a smaller size. If you have questions about photo use, ask 切尔西迪卡洛 在通信技术中. 

  • 新闻 Articles should be written in complete sentences and a conversational tone. Here is an example of an Article about an event that includes time/date/place and description in a story-based format.

  • Remember that web visitors are often quickly scanning a page for important information. If text can be reasonably shortened where appropriate, you'll be making the most important points stand out and make your article easier to navigate. 

  • Syndication (associating content using Sections and Topics) should be used in a consistent and judicious manner. If you have questions about using these tools, 切尔西迪卡洛 在通信技术中 can help provide guidance. 

  • The Communications Office will typically produce 新闻 Articles on high-profile events and stories that have wide interest. If you're wondering whether Communications is covering a news story related to your department, 联系 马特·格雷 在通信技术中. 



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