
Social media usage at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 is governed by the same policies that govern all other electronic 通讯unications. Read the information below before engaging in any social media efforts as part of your official duties at Bryn Mawr.  

Individuals engaging in social media on behalf of Bryn Mawr must adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy of the Information Services Department regardless of the type of technology they are using, personal or college-owned. 特别值得注意的:  

  • Respect the College's name and reputation in your electronic 通讯unications. 

  • 做一个好公民. 你必须遵守当地的规定, 状态, and federal laws; you must observe copyrights, 许可证, 合同, 和大学政策. 

  • 不搞商业, 以营利为目的, or promotional activities unrelated to the mission of the College. 

Individuals engaging in social media on behalf of the College must protect confidential information. Do not post confidential information about 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, students, employees, or alumnae/i. Employees must follow the applicable federal requirements such as Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 和 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Participating in the College’s 社交媒体 Program 

Sharing and relationship-building are at the heart of social media, and associating your office’s social-media efforts with the Communications Office’s efforts on behalf of the College as a whole can significantly increase the number of viewers you reach and contribute a great deal to your success.  


好处 of associating and coordinating your social media efforts with the College’s might include, 例如: 

  • 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的脸谱网页面 can add your 脸谱网 page to the list of pages it “likes,” increasing your page’s visibility to our 17,000 +的粉丝.
  • 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 might follow you on 推特 and add you to one or more of our 推特 lists, 把你的可见度提高到10分,200 +的追随者.
  • 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 might share your content on our Instagram饲料 and/or in stories, increasing your visibility to our 13,800+ followers.
  • 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 regularly shares important or noteworthy posts from associated social media accounts with the College’s fans and followers. 
  • Web Services will add social media icons linking to your accounts in the “推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜” module on your website. 


To participate in the College’s social media program, your official Bryn Mawr-associated account must meet the following criteria: 

  1. 监督/责任. A member of the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 faculty or staff must be responsible for the account. Student workers may be hired to execute updates, but their work must be supervised by an employee of the College who is responsible for the content of posts. 
  2. 定期维护.  Because readers expect responsiveness from social media, accounts that are not updated and monitored regularly can cause frustration among fans or followers who feel that they are being ignored. Unmonitored social media accounts are also vulnerable to 通讯ent spam, 网络钓鱼, and clickjacking schemes that can embarrass the account holders 和 College and threaten online security. An official social media account should be monitored daily. New content should be posted at least once a week. 
  3. All official 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 social media program accounts will be included in the 大学的社交媒体目录.  

Guidelines for Engaging in 社交媒体 on Behalf of the College 

尊重. Because social media encourage conversation, disagreements are inevitable. 保持你的评论适当和礼貌. Do not say anything online that you would not say in person. Ask the Communications Office for advice on handling sensitive issues and topics. 

记住你的角色. Do not use the College’s official social media channels to express your personal opinions or positions. Raising issues in order to stimulate discussion is perfectly fine, but don’t take a position unless it is consistent with a position officially enunciated by the College. Keep in mind that you are acting on the College’s behalf. 

是及时的. 及时回答问题. 如果你不能回答问题, respond to acknowledge that you’ve received the question and will respond soon. Assign responsibility for monitoring your social media presence.  

是深思熟虑的. Remember that everything online is public and can “live” forever. Whatever you post on a social media site immediately becomes public information and can be circulated beyond the original site, 即使你已经删除了它.   

是透明的. Make sure your account’s institutional affiliation is clearly 状态d in the account profile. Discuss with your supervisor the circumstances in which you are empowered to respond directly to users and when you may need approval. If 通讯enting about Bryn Mawr on your personal time, be clear about your College affiliation.  

及时纠正错误. Mistakes or misinformation are inevitable (e.g., the start time or location of an event you’ve promoted may change). Send a correction as soon as possible and note that it’s a correction. 如果合适的话,附上道歉. 




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