Academic and Student Support Services

Bryn Mawr College offers a wide array of virtual and in-person resources to help students be successful. These support services can help Bryn Mawr students to:

  • Thrive academically
  • 管理压力
  • Maintain mental health
  • Learn about services for students with disabilities

Campus support services listed in this section are provided free of charge, except for Counseling Services, which offers 10 free sessions and then sliding scale fees.


  • 你的院长 - If you are encountering difficulties at Bryn Mawr, the first thing you may want to do is discuss these issues with your Dean, who can then direct you to an appropriate support service.
  • Your 教师 - Bryn Mawr faculty care about the whole student and serve as wonderful resources for specific coursework, as well as mentors and guides more broadly.

Academic Support

General Academic Support

Support for Coursework




Support for the Whole Student

Stress Management

Emotional Health

  • Counseling Services
    Counseling for anxiety, 抑郁症, relationship issues, 身体形象, 自尊, sexual identity issues
    Ongoing groups for bereavement and eating disorders


Services for Students With Disabilities

  • 访问服务
    Provides support and reasonable accommodations when necessary for eligible students with diagnosed learning, 医疗, 物理, and psychological disabilities
  • Assistive Technology
    工具 that assists you in doing your daily activities; you can meet with the assistive technology specialist to find tools to help you with academic tasks.

Services for International Students



Office of Academic Support

Office of Academic Support
Eugenia Chase Guild Hall
电话: 610-526-5375