Summer 2018 Program

The Ann Lutes Johnson Visiting Speaker Series includes talks by invited scientists, with receptions to follow. All seminars will be scheduled for 4 p.m., visitor schedules allowing.

2018 Program Schedule

日期 事件
6月4日 Program Start 日期

10-11:45 a.m.: Orientation. Each student attends two workshops—one in ethics and another in lab etiquette. 公园20
1-2:30 p.m.: Lab Safety Training Part 1 (for all students working in a laboratory). 公园20

3:30-5 p.m.: Lab Safety Training Part 2 (hazardous materials). 公园20

6月12日 5 p.m.: Student Abstract Deadline. Submit on Moodle.
6月20日 4 p.m.: Speaker: Cynthia Hall, Ph.D., West Chester University, Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences. Area: Heavy metal contamination in Philadelphia soil. Location TBA (check on Moodle).
7月9日 4 p.m.: Speaker: Jennifer Tudor, Ph.D., Saint Joseph's University, 生物学 Department. Area: Molecular basis for how sleep affects memory, learning, and behavior. Location TBA (check on Moodle).
8月. 7 4 p.m.: Speaker: Kate Barott, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Department of 生物学. Area: Core physiology and symbiosis. Location Gateway Conference Room, ground floor.
8月. 10 Program End 日期
(日期s for the 10 weeks may differ by arrangement with your mentor.)
8月. 24 5 p.m.: Summer Poster Deadline and Summer 研究 Summary (four PPT slides) Deadline

2018 Speakers Series

教授. Cynthia Hall
Cynthia Hall, Ph.D.

West Chester University, Department of Earth and Space Sciences

Wednesday, 6月20日, 4 p.m., Ely Room, Wyndham
Reception to follow; stay and ask Dr. Hall questions while enjoying the reception.

教授. Jennifer Tudor
Jennifer Tudor, Ph.D.

St. Joseph's University, Department of 生物学

Monday, 7月9日, 4 p.m.

教授. Katie Barott
Katie Barott, Ph.D.

University of Pennsylvania, Department of 生物学

Tuesday, 8月. 7, 4 p.m.

Summer 2018 Participants


  • Makenna Lenover


  • Maya Bhalla-Ladd
  • 苏菲画
  • Jordan Ellis-Pugh
  • Sophia Gibson
  • Jessica Kahng
  • 虹膜刘
  • Bridget Reed
  • Nia湖底


  • Bushra阿明
  • Torie伯克
  • Christie Chen
  • Maham Haider
  • Madison Hogan
  • 下雨霍
  • Ashley Ossimetha
  • Nevada Powers
  • 精益任
  • 塞布丽娜交易

Computer Science

  • Nadine Adnane
  • Yazhe冯
  • 我的阮
  • 巴勃罗·泰尔


  • Cristian Clothier
  • Amelia McCarthy
  • Camila Silva
  • Elizabeth Yos


  • Meagan Murray-Bruce


  • Merrilyn Fiagbenu
  • Vidya Ramaswamy
  • Maise Shepard
  • Annacat Slanski
  • Fariha Tamboli
  • Yucen周


  • Lauren Birmingham
  • Varuna Jasondanand
  • Saarika Kumar
  • 佐伊深红色的
  • Kate Petrova
  • Ella Sheppard-Saidel