Policies, Procedures, and Forms

Academic Guests
Assessment Activities for Academic Departments
Course Evaluations
Faculty Appointments and Reviews
Professional Leaves for Faculty
Faculty Searches
Faculty Travel Pool and Research Pool
Open Access Policy and Read and Publish Agreements
Research Associates and Laboratory Research Associates

Academic Guests

学院致力于通过各种方法培养国际意识和理解, 包括国际访客参与校园活动和事件, such as guest lectures, speakers, professors, researchers, entertainers, etc. 教务长办公室与影响中心合作,可以帮助国际客人制定参观我们校园的计划. If your department is inviting an international guest, researcher or scholar to campus, please contact Erin J. 沃尔什,行政助理教务长,电话:610-526-5164或 ejwalsh@ahriya.net. In cooperation with Patricia Lausch, Director, 影响中心的国际学生和学者服务和建议, 她将协助确定邀请到校园的外国公民的适当签证和付款方式. Please be aware that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Department of Labor, and Internal Revenue Service regulations govern the entry, visa status, payment and taxation of these individuals. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在任何情况下都遵守这些规定.

Assessment Activities for Academic Departments

学院致力于不断改进其学术课程. 为了支持教师批判性地评估课程的有效性,每年春季准备年度评估报告并提交给教务长办公室. In addition, 每~10年,每个系都会在教务长办公室的推动下,对其项目进行一次主要的自学和外部审查. Guidelines are available for preparing the self-study, assembling an external review team, and the sharing the evaluation report. 

Course Evaluations

课程评估的目的是帮助教师反思他们的教学效果, to assist in the mentoring process of junior faculty, 并为任命委员会对教员的任何审查作出贡献. 所有在学年和暑期授课的教师都必须参与课程评估过程.

课程评估将使用通过Moodle访问的课程评估和调查软件进行. 学生将通过电子邮件和Moodle通知来完成课程评估,并可以点击电子邮件或Moodle中的链接来启动调查.

Instructors can track real-time response rates by going to Results > Response Rate Tracker from their course evaluation dashboard in Moodle.

课程评估期结束,学期成绩公布后, each instructor will be able to 通过Moodle仪表板访问他们的课程评估结果. Bryn Mawr faculty and students can also 直接登录到水印课程评估和调查网站 using their Bryn Mawr College username and password. 系主任将通过教务长办公室的电子邮件收到其部门临时教师教学的评估结果.

LITS created a Tech Doc for additional support on course evaluations.

Faculty Appointments and Reviews

任命委员会负责向总统提出建议, on behalf of the Faculty, with regard to the initial appointments, 晋升和重新任命所有排名教员,并任命和审查继续非终身教职教员. The Faculty Handbook sets forth the participants, responsibilities, timetables and procedures for the initial appointment, 续聘及晋升教职员. The 'Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines for Review of Candidates for Appointment, 教师手册的“续任和晋升”部分介绍了布林莫尔的审查过程. 它为每种类型的审查提供了逐步的过程, 并逐项列出和描述评审的标准组成部分.g. candidate's dossier, student evaluation process, departmental review process, outside review and reviewers).

*教师手册的无障碍版本,联系琳达·巴特勒·利弗塞在 llivesay@ahriya.net.

Professional Leaves for Faculty

学院为继续任职的教职员工提供的专业休假计划反映了学院对教职奖学金以及研究与教学之间关系的坚定承诺. Learn more

Faculty Searches

想要申请终身职位和/或继续非终身职位的部门或项目应咨询 Committee on Academic Priorities (CAP) web page for the Guidelines. CAP必须批准终身职位和持续的非终身职位. 临时职位必须由教务长在年度部门人员配置信中批准. After receiving approval, 院系和项目必须遵循学院的教师搜索程序:

Search Committees using Interfolio 管理教师搜索可以找到额外的信息和支持 here

Faculty Travel Pool and Research Pool

教职员工旅行池和教职员工研究池是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的项目,支持教职员工的学术发展,继续任命终身教职员工, tenured, 和继续非终身教职(CNTT)的职位,并继续任命在体育和体育教育部门. Learn more

Open Access Policy & Read and Publish Agreements

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜致力于尽可能广泛地传播其研究和学术成果. 为了履行这一承诺,学院于2013年通过了 Open Access Policy. 在某些期刊上发表文章的教师作者可以立即通过期刊网站开放获取他们的文章, without paying an APC (article processing charge). LITS subscriptions to these journals are now "read and publish agreements" (also called "transformative agreements"), 如何通过免除apc,将图书馆订阅费用转向支持开放获取出版. 欲了解更多信息,请联系研究主任卡米拉·麦凯 & 教学服务、学术交流及图书馆馆长(cmackay@ahriya.net).

Research Associates and Laboratory Research Associates

研究协会是学院的部门赞助的非雇员附属机构. The Provost's Office sponsors two types of affiliations, Research Associates and Laboratory Research Associates. If approved by the Associate Provost, the affiliate is granted certain campus privileges, such as use of the Bryn Mawr College libraries, on-campus parking, and limited Bryn Mawr computing access. Privileges can now be extended for a maximum of two years. If your department is requesting a Research Associate, please contact Tina Bockius, Faculty Administrative Coordinator, at 610-526-5215 or cbockius@ahriya.netLearn more.

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Office of the Provost

Contact Us

Taylor Hall, First Floor
Bryn Mawr College
101 North Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010
Phone: 610-526-5167

Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.