Frequently Asked Questions and Tips


In the fall of 2020, BIPOC Bryn Mawr students created teach-ins to provide an alternate form of education about race and equity on campus and in our broader society. Click to explore FAQ, or email for more information.

A meeting held on campus for lecture or discussion that raises awareness in the areas of equity, inclusion, anti-racism, and/or anti-semitism.

Teach-in organizers are welcome to structure their sessions however they would like, provided that the session contributes to building understanding of structural racism and learning about practices that advance equity and inclusion.

For more detailed teach-in outlines, please contact a member of the Teach-In Team.

Yes. Individuals who are responsible for planning and presenting when the teach-in takes place are eligible to be paid.

Sessions organized by 1-4 people will be compensated $75 per organizer. Teach-ins organized by 5 or more people will receive $300 split evenly among facilitators. 

Yes – many teach-ins are a collaboration between students as well as members of the faculty and staff.

The Teach-In Team is a group of College staff members and student representatives whose goal is to aid in the creation of teach-ins. The Team helps connect organizers with organizers, works to promote teach-ins, and gathers feedback about how to strengthen the program. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Teach-In Team for help or guidance!

Each session is different, but teach-ins should contribute to building understanding of structural racism and learning about practices that advance equity and inclusion. Past teach-ins have explored:

  • Current events
  • Local news and activism
  • College and world history
  • Invited guest speakers
  • Resource and experience-sharing

Tips for Planning a Teach-In

  • Cite your sources whenever possible. Where did you get the information you are sharing? Where might participants go to learn more, and what materials can they access after the session?
  • Prioritize accessibility during the event-planning process. The College Accessibility Policy is a great starting point, or Access Services can be contacted for help or questions about how to make your teach-in more accessible.
  • Assess the need for content warnings about your chosen topic. A content warning is a verbal or written notice given before potentially sensitive content is shared. Providing a notice allows your audience to prepare themselves to engage with your teach-in, or, if necessary, remove themselves from the space for their own wellbeing.
  • Introduce yourself at the teach-in using your name and pronouns. Wear a name tag when in-person or display your pronouns with your name when on Zoom.
  • Consider using collaborative tools to engage audience members or assess base knowledge at the beginning of a session. This could look like creating a quiz for your audience, or it could look like using Zoom’s Whiteboards, polls, and breakout rooms.
  • Think about the importance – and the differences between – learning about an issue and acting on an issue. Once your audience knows about the topic of your teach-in, what can they do about it? What resources might you end the session with?